On-Demand Webinar: Total Economic Impact of Cato SASE Cloud

On-Demand Webinar By Eyal Webber-Zvik Vice President - Product Marketing @ Cato Networks

Hello and welcome to today's Webinar Total Economic Impact of CATO SASE Cloud. My name is Ryan. I'm the VP of Product Marketing here at Cato Networks. And with me today are David Holmes, Senior Analyst at Forrester and Mary Barton, also Consultant at Forrester. Thank you very much for joining us. And before we get started, just a couple of housekeeping items. You're welcome to submit questions at any time using the chat window on the right-hand side of your screen. We will follow up with you after the webinar. If we don't get a chance to reply to your questions live, we'll also make a recording of this webinar available for you within a couple of days. So why don't we go right in and get started and just warm us up a quick poll.

On-Demand Webinar: Total Economic Impact of Cato SASE Cloud:

On-Demand Webinar: SASE - Total Economic Impact of Cato SASE Cloud.jpg

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